李勃,男,1981年生,九三学社社员,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,兼任重庆市生物信息学会常务理事,Nucleic Acids Research、Briefings in Bioinformatics、Trends in Food Science & Technology、Analytical Chemistry等SCI杂志审稿人。目前主要从事计算分子生物学、生物信息学等领域的教学与科研工作,重点关注高维生物大数据分析中的方法学问题。
✽ 教学科研
主持省部级项目5项(含教改2项),主编教材1部,在NAR、TIFS、Bioinformatics、BIB、Anal. Chem.等国内外学术期刊发表SCI论文40余篇。Google Scholar H-index为21,平均单篇影响因子6.1,单篇最高引用324次(Google Scholar),ESI高被引论文3篇。
✽ 学术兴趣
1) 单细胞与空间转录组学数据分析方法及应用
2) 生物信息学算法评价、数据库构建及软件开发
3) 数据驱动的复杂生物表型或疾病分子机制解析
4) 机器学习与药物发现
✽ 教育背景
2013.07-2017.06 重庆大学,生物信息学,博士研究生
2010.09-2013.06 重庆大学,生物物理学,硕士研究生
1999.09-2003.07 西北农林科技大学,生物工程,本科生
✽ 工作经历
2017.06-至今 讲师、副教授,重庆师范大学
2004.07-2010.06 助教、讲师,武汉生物工程学院
2003.07-2004.04 实验员,解放军军事科学院军事医学研究院
✽ 奖励荣誉
✽ 部分成果
1. Nie, X., Qin, D., Zhou, X., Duo, H., Hao, Y., Li, B.* & Liang, G*. Clustering ensemble in scRNA-seq data analysis: methods, applications and challenges. Computers in Biology and Medicine 159: 106939 (2023) [通讯作者, IF=7.7].
2. He, H., Duo, H., Hao, Y., Zhang, X., Zhou, X., Zeng, Y., Li, Y. & Li, B*. Computational drug repurposing by exploiting large-scale gene expression data: Strategy, methods and applications. Computers in Biology and Medicine 155: 106671 (2023) [通讯作者, IF=7.7].
3. Yang, Q., Li, B., Wang, P., Xie, J., Feng, Y., Liu, Z. & Zhu, F. LargeMetabo: an out-of-the-box tool for processing and analyzing large-scale metabolomic data. Briefings in Bioinformatics 23(6): bbac455 (2022) [IF=9.5].
4. Qin, D., Bo, W., Zheng, X., Hao, Y., Li, B.*, Zheng, J.* & Liang, G*. DFBP: a comprehensive database of food-derived bioactive peptides. Bioinformatics 38(12): 3275-3280 (2022) [通讯作者, IF=5.8].
5. Yin, H., Tao, J., Peng, Y., Xiong, Y., Li, B.*, Li, S.* & Yang, H*. MSPJ: discovering the potential biomarkers in small gene expression dataset via ensemble learning. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 20: 3783-3795 (2022) [通讯作者, IF=6.0].
6. Bo, W., Chen, L., Qin, D., Geng, S., Li, J., Mei, H., Li, B*. & Liang, G*. Application of quantitative structure-activity relationship to food-derived peptides: Methods, situations, challenges and prospects. Trends in Food Science & Technology 114: 176-188 (2021) [通讯作者, IF=15.3].
7. Tao, J., Hao, Y., Li, X., Yin, H., Nie, X., Zhang, J., Xu, B., Chen, Q. & Li, B*. Systematic identification of housekeeping genes possibly used as references in Caenorhabditis elegans by large-scale data integration. Cells-basel 9: 786 (2020) [通讯作者, IF=6.0].
8. Nie, X., Wei, J., Hao, Y., Tao, J., Li, Y., Liu, M., Xu, B. & Li, B*. Consistent biomarkers and related pathogenesis underlying asthma revealed by systems biology approach. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20: 4037 (2019) [通讯作者, IF=5.6].
9. Li, B., Tang, J., Yang, Q., Li, S., Cui, X., Li, Y., Chen, Y., Xue, W., Li, X. & Zhu, F. NOREVA: normalization and evaluation of MS-based metabolomics data. Nucleic Acids Research 45(W1): W162-W170 (2017) [第一作者, IF=14.9].
10. Li, B., Tang, J., Yang, Q., Cui, X., Li, S., Chen, S., Cao, Q., Xue, W., Chen, N. & Zhu, F. Performance evaluation and online realization of data-driven normalization methods used in LC/MS based untargeted metabolomics analysis. Scientific Reports 6: 38881 (2016) [第一作者, IF=4.6].
✽ 联系方式: